Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

" Transmorphology of a Vernacular Term in the English Societal Lower Mid Demographic Strata "

Yeppers. Well, that's what I might have called it, had I still been at college and making any attempt to fit into the kind of shit they liked to hear there. As it is, I suppose some out of work Sociologist ~ that probably makes it about 99% of the fukkas ~ might yet take the idea and make a decent essay, if not a book out of it.

Imagine that? Students and their Lecturers referring to, " Shitter, D. In Lit. (Blog). 2009. Ref. ' Pikies ' ". Because that's what this is all about. The ~ to my mind ~ Devolving use of a term I've always considered about as fucking harsh and base as it gets. A term which, derogatory as it is, I now see is being warped into a form which I personally find even more offensive and inflammatory than it's traditionally been.

Here's the craic; I'm reading my favourite forum, right? Never mind the subject matter. That's irrelevant. It's just a forum peopled by men of all social levels and walks in life. Teenagers to octogenarians. We all get along because we all enjoy discussion of the central theme of the place.

And there I am, reading a thread about a certain public event which occasioned a spontaneous and respectful moment of silence and reflection amongst those in attendance. Except that, as one young man angrily pointed out; " All I could hear was the yackering of this bunch of fucking Pikies, moaning to each other about the weather! " And, believe me, this kid wasn't at any illegal hare coursing meet either!

Now, for about as far back as I can remember, calling me a Pikie would Not be the best advised thing to do. Not unless, that is, ye happened to be a bit of a Pikie yeself! It's like how a black American will only tolerate a fellow black American calling him " Nigga ". Then it's all fine and dandy. Otherwise, it's an insult worthy of a harsh response.

So, my own initial response the the use or this term at all is to bridle. I just plain Hate the fucking term! But, then it occurred to me; Does this guy even know what the fuck he's talking about? Who is he calling 'Pikies' ? How did he know they were 'Pikies' ? And, in fact; What the fuck were Gypsys, to use my preferred term, doing at this place and time, moaning about the weather??? It just didn't add up at all. None of it did.

To expand a bit; This was the scene of a public funeral procession. One taking place in a small, quite rural town. If any Gypsy I know ever witnesses such an event? They'd have their hats off. Would be crossing themselves. And they'd most definitely show complete respect until the cortège had passed ~ then they'd likely round on any idiots who'd been bemoaning the weather and would fucking well give them something to Really moan about!

I wanted to get to the bottom of this. I sent my man there a 'PM'. Only, not wishing to come across as the " Who're you calling fucking 'Pikies'?! " sort of attitude, I came in sideways. I played the innocent and gave no clue as to what I was really thinking. I said;

" How come ye could tell those fukkas were 'Pikies', mate? Is there something obviously identifiable about them? The way they dress or speak? Only ..... " (Wait for it ....!) " I was given to believe 'Pikies' were people who lived on Council Housing Estates. " !

Ouch! Eh? I wonder how many of You lot ground ye teeth at That one then? Does it feel good to be verbally spat on, just because ....? Well, if that got ye hackles up? Fine. Remember how it feels, will ye? Anyway, come to that; Anyone sensitive about living on a council estate so far had better fuck off now. Cos here's what my man replied!

" Yes, mate. " He says. " We have a couple of fair sized council estates not so far from here. These bastards come out of them. Ye can spot them a mile off. Dripping with cheap gold. Track suit bottoms. Drinking from cans in the street. They set fire to motors and all sorts. Fucking Pikie scum. "

And that's exactly what I'd suspected. These people were no more Gypsys than Tony fucking Blair! They were simply the typical british equivalent of what the yanks call " Trailer Trash ". The dregs of three generations of unmarried, unemployed, dole dependent afternoon tv watching 'human' crap. The self progeniting, deep underclass which has festered and grown for almost half a century, unchecked now.

The very same lot who, less than a decade ago, revelled in their self proclaimed title of " Chav's ". Sporting their cheap, imitation Burberry along with their Argos and Rattners golden Bling. Racing stolen motors along dark roads while pipe dreaming of one day owning their very own Black 4x4, with regulation blacked out windows, in which to transport their stolen, back yard bred lurkers.

They adopted and revelled in the title " Chav's " ~ from the Gypsy word " Chavvie / Chavvo ", for kids. Now 'normal' people are starting to call them " Pikies " ~ a deliberately derogatory (Oh, alright; Down right fucking offensive and meaningfully abusive!) ~ term used against Gypsys.

See? If I can hold back and look at all this objectively? It's just fantastic. An almost perfect piece of social engineering. Goebbels would have applauded this one!

Have ye got it yet ....?

1 comment:

  1. What do you expect from the gorgio's Ditch?

    The stereotypical romani is a long way from these creatures described, and yet they class them as the same?? Society deterioration and a general lack of education are to blame, and yet this racism goes on without rebuke in today's world of equality and diversity .... ??

