You all remember Alison Moyet, of course? Big Ol' Girl, did a number or two with some pasty, spiky haired little prick. Then cut out on her own to record some truly memorable stuff in that astounding voice and style of hers.
Her own rendition of " Love Letters (Straight from Your Heart) still ranks as one my personal top five, Ever, singles. I could swap that for tinnitus any day!
But, whilst ~ once she'd lost the 'Punk' look of her own spiky hair, and the Alice Cooper school of make up ~ she was still, undeniably 'attractive', in her way. But she was still 'A bit of a Big ol' beast!'
And that's how I remember her. Twenty? Twenty five years ago? I'm still perfectly happy to have her 'Love Letters' locked into my head all day. But, I still think of the 'Tank in the Tent' belting it out too. Or used to!
This Was .....


But, through one of those quirks of following a link in a forum. Getting side tracked. Clicking somethings else and .....
Fucking Hell!!!

More ....?

What a difference twenty odd years can make, eh? The girl's in about her mid forties now, I believe? Had her ups and downs. Now she's as we see. Well; The camera seems to like her, doesn't it? Not exactly what I'd call 'The Beautifully Voiced Beast' anymore! Phwoaaar!
Fantastic write up about her ~ while they keep it on line ~ here, at the Mail on Sunday.
Yeppers. Not exactly my own cup of tea either. But then, I don't read Any papers. Just came across that piece whilst ferreting links.
Quite livened up my evening though!
Bit of a fuckin' scorcher for late September, eh?

More ....?

What a difference twenty odd years can make, eh? The girl's in about her mid forties now, I believe? Had her ups and downs. Now she's as we see. Well; The camera seems to like her, doesn't it? Not exactly what I'd call 'The Beautifully Voiced Beast' anymore! Phwoaaar!
Fantastic write up about her ~ while they keep it on line ~ here, at the Mail on Sunday.
Yeppers. Not exactly my own cup of tea either. But then, I don't read Any papers. Just came across that piece whilst ferreting links.
Quite livened up my evening though!
Bit of a fuckin' scorcher for late September, eh?
Can't find how to send you a message on here, Ditch. I type (10.45 am on Friday 16th October) Alison is singing and chatting on Radio 4's Woman's Hour (don't ask). If you get on with BBC iplayer it's 24 minutes in that she starts with a song.
ReplyDeleteCheers, Mark.