Well, be fucked ....! Here's what I started with. (Spot the Nigger!)

And here's what I bought.

Six foot high, that bastard is. Meant I had to man handle, heave, at least chuck just about everything I had into it. Bastard.
Best bit is; I still have plenty left out there. And that fukka's levelled over. Couldn't fit another gallon oil can in it. And don't talk to me about 'Boarding up the sides' either. That fucking thing crept into the place I needed it, Only with me lifting an overhead wire the extra couple of inches with a damn hay rake!
Their contract states, 'Don't Overload'. My eye says, 'I don't need the drama, or the Electrician!' FFS.
Just thought I'd show ye this, as I realise I've been a bit quiet of late. This is much to do with it. Working like a slave while it's, at least, not chucking it down here.
But, the Ash and Sycamore leaves are dropping now. As are the temperatures and day hours. I've had the stove lit for two or three nights now. Tonight it hasn't crossed my mind.
But, Rosie and Donks are out there, right now, with their heads amongst a bale of hay. I pulled that out of their 'Back Up' store, today. I'll pull another bale tomorrow. Jesus; Where is this going? Where will I find, let alone afford more hay?
Pat's cut his fields. It kills me to see the edges left. All that stuff my horses would die to get at. His cattle would taste, trample and shit on. " The other mans grass ".
Different creatures eat different ways, see? Sheep eat so low down they'll starve a horse. Horse will starve a cow. Cows just wander about, munching about 1/10th of what they tread and shit on into shit. Then, ye can chuck their own shit onto the same ground, and they'll repeat the whole shit on that field.
Horses don't like to eat grass that's grown through their own shit. Much more of this and I'll be going right back to my roots; Travelling, just to find verges to feed the damn horses from!
Oh well. This sort of shit certainly puts all the old, citified bullshit into perspective. Be that Country Life, Moaning Farmers or Witchcraft. It all ends up tied into the seasons, when ye life's dependent on the land and thus seasonal moods.
And we've just had one of the worst ones.
An 'Interesting' time lays ahead.
I hope it all works out mate.
ReplyDeleteShame you couldnt cash in that scrap metal and buy some hay!
What about selling any items you may have bought but now think unneccesary?
Sam; Simple answer to that one is that I've Never, in all the time I've been here, bought a frivolous item.
ReplyDeleteI try to buy *Quality*, granted. But that's because I Need the shit I buy. I sell my Chain Saw, or it fucks up? I'm fucked. I die of cold.
No. There's no 'Old Masters' hanging on my walls, mate. Nothing here's just for show.
Anyway; Lighten up! It's not Armageddon. Just been a piss wet year. We'll all survive ;-)