Quick word about comments ...
Comments here are 'moderated'. In as much that I have to physically see them and wave them through once you hit Send.
So, if ye write a Comment. Post it. Don't see it? No worries. It's just sitting there, waiting for me to come online and find it in my email. I click and your words appear here.
Please don't post it several times. Get frustrated and storm off, never to be seen again. It's just a measure I was forced to put into place by doxxers, spammers and other, mentally unstable's.
What The Fuck Have I Said Now ....?
To elicit such a sudden and strong interest from United States? I mean, look at that. Compares quite nicely with my more usual and 'home grown' readership, doesn't it? I've never seen such a rash of readers before.
Strange. Wonder if it's because I said " Okinawa " ? Of course, I could go in there and back track all of them. See where they came in from. But, it's not exactly That important, is it? Just one of those things.
Either way, it's nice to see people :-)
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