See? I read and listen to you lot too. " Sam " can't take a lot more of being greeted by that lunatic hanging himself by his own bits. He's said so. So, here's something nice to look at instead.
" Pamela Landy ".

Dean O' has the Bourne trilogy. He showed me the first one, one night. I was well impressed! I'd heard of Matt Damon before. But, I had no idea who he was. I just found the CIA trained super killer, star of the film, unusually watchable. Because he didn't have that 'Tom Cruise' look about him. He looked like a bloke ye might work next to or pass in the street without a second thought.
Then he showed me the second film. Enter Pamela Landy. It was, for me, Lust at first sight! I hope I didn't too disturb Dean O's viewing of the two films featuring her, with my occasional, uncontrollable outbursts of; " She Is Dirty!!! ". Everything about this girl just makes me go " Mmmm!!! ".
Joan Allen, of course. The blind girl in ManHunter, no less! Funnily enough; I'm big on eyes. I especially have a weakness for 'something about' a girls eyes. I got fixated on Susan Sarandon's somewhat slightly myopic gaze in Dead Man Walking . Joan there played a blind girl in ManHunter. In The Bourne Supremacy / Ultimatum, I dunno; There's just something about the way 'Pamela Landy' looks at ..... Combined with the way she looks? does it for me!
So, there ye go then. Not a 'film review'. Ye know I don't like to try to do those. Just an appreciation of what I personally consider one striking looking girl ~ and some great films given a mench!
Till something else happens that I feel moved to talk about; Just take it easy on the scrolling down.
You especially, " Sam ".
Thanks Ditch!
ReplyDeleteMuch better! Far more easier on the eyes.
I thought your feet were bad. I stared at them for weeks, and that image is well burned in my mind forever. But that psychopathic dick torturer tops it!