Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cuckoo .....

Just heard my first of this year. Stepped outside for a pee and there it was, that distinctive, two tone, call.

Excellent. I've had swallows for about a week now. The first arrivals at my own property are now prospecting, if not nest building ~ I didn't stop to look, yet ~ in my cow shed. Now I'll be on the look out for where the swallows nest and for my first sighting of the cuckoo.

I wonder how many people think collared doves or even wood pigeons are cuckoo's calling? I in fact wonder how many towns folk would even know a cuckoo, by sight, if they saw one?

I'm not trying to be demeaning here either. I was in my forties before I clapped eyes on my own first cuckoo. It was probably pretty high on my life times Birding achievements too. It really is quite a bird to see. Big, boldly marked, in ye face sort of bird. Hell of a sight.

I love seeing them. And I've had three in sight at once, since coming here. They tend to do a Battle of Britain type exhibition over the field behind my place. I just lean on the gate and watch them.

Want to see a cuckoo? Head out into open farmland with the odd Big tree dotted about. Tree that catches ye eye. That'll be where the cuckoo calls from. Hear the distinctive call and just watch the biggest tree in that direction.

Look out for a bird that looks for all the world like a Sparrow Hawk. It'll come out of that tree and do a fly past. Big wings. Straight back. Barred breast. There's ye cuckoo! Surprisingly big looking bird, eh?

Fuckers, for leaving their one egg in another birds nest, their chick then turfing out any other eggs or young. But, that's the nature of the beast. Not allowed to shoot them for it. And who'd want to be without them anyway?

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