Here it is. Over four fucking years I've waited for this.

I'm also receiving repeated requests for how 'The Big Day' went. Time I finally got in there, to soap up. Scrub up. Shed years of shit, in the comfort of my own cottage. Well; Here's my story. It's sad, but true .....
I had the Spark, Ollie, in on Wednesday. He re wired the newly repositioned shower unit. Friday, Dean O', The Multi Talented, re plumbed it. Then we hit the town. Saturday, I was busy. Sunday? Fuck knows. Washing and drying my clothes, I guess? So, Monday was The Big Day.
In I got. Buck naked and grinning. Had my plastic bottle of that stuff they sell us, since soap went out of fashion. Had my scratchy rag. Even had this weird strap with a 'Loofa' in the middle. le Ding always seems to miss my shoulders and back, when he jumps up to sniff and lick my ears. Figured I'd give my own back the scratching of a life time with this thing. Greasy as all fuck. Needed it.
Moments later? There I am. Head and face washed like, it seemed, never before. Gorgeous, clean, hot water literally showering down on me. Soaped my chest and thought about my arm pits. Just as everything went fucking black!!!
I fuck ye not! There I am, standing there in the fucking darkness. Wondering WTF's happening. No more water. Not even any light or Pink Floyd. Fuck!
" What Would You Do ? ", as a comic ~ perhaps " The Valiant " ? ~ used to ask, on its front cover. Displaying some image of a guy, 'Mountie', or what ever. Bloke stuck on a mountain ledge (As if mountains ever had fuck to do with the fucking RCMP) and armed only with a transistor radio, as an eagle attacked him. FFFS!
Anyway, I'll leave it there. For now. Cliff hang, ye bastards!
Consider me hanging.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your stuff from time to time, you're a natural story teller. I can hear the people, see the things you're describing, feel the pathos ... Awesome dude!
Trefoyl (Craig) (from Jim's)