A week ago, today, I found a mink cage in the river in town, yeah? Told ye all about it Below / Here.
Back in town again, today. Have to have a look, don't ye? And, fuck me; There it is!
Shifted and drifted a yard or two. Otherwise still much as I first found it. Can ye imagine that happening in england? I can't!
Local people are now even suggesting I just " Bring it with me. " But, as I still explain to them; That's not the way I see things done, around here. It's not my property. I'm not touching it. Period.
Saying that; It bodes damn well for me, doesn't it? Should I ever choose to set some traps of my own down along that river. No bugger'll interfere with those either, look.
Sadly, that's not about to happen. Simply because I only go into town once a week. Can't go about, setting even killer traps, then just inspecting them once a bloody week! Some modern Gamekeepers might. I wouldn't.
Makes me wonder what story lies behind all this though; Someone ~ his name's known ~ fenced the river in. Bought ducks to sit on it. There's even an automatic feeder there for them.
Then a mink came along and started helping itself to the ducks. So, someone bought a trap and set it. Now, all that's there is the feeder and the trap.
The truth behind it will filter through to me, eventually. I'll tell ye, here, once I find out.
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