It's not, really. That's just the first thing that came into my head as I dropped in here to show ye a few simple photo's.
See, it's absolutely fucking Vile, out there. It's cold. The wind's lashing. The rain's slashing. People in town are all making jokes around canoes.
And these are people born to it. Seen it all before. Don't need the reassurance of a shared mockery. Only, this is taking the piss, even by local standards.
I looked out, today, across Pat's fields. The very fields I trailed that Red Stag across, this time a year or two ago. Fuck me! I remember Pat wandering down towards the reed bed the Stag harboured in. Today he'd need a boat to cross that same field!
But, anyway; I'm home and indoors now. Came home from town. Fed my dogs and horses. Walked in here to check for e mail and the phone rang. Call out. Domestic rat job. Inside twenty minutes, I'm back in town, doing my thing. Happily, the client offered me a whiskey, after I'd done. Better still; It was Jameson! :D
Back home and I fetched a big bucket of Turf from my shed. This is the stuff you probably got taught, in an english school, that we burn on fires here. Only ye'd likely have been told it was " Peat ". You put Turf on ye back gardens, yeah? Peat ye dig into the flower beds surrounding the Lawn (laid as 'Turf').
Fuck all that. This is the turf we burn on our fires and in our stoves. It's raw, natural and cut out in rectangles. Then stacked in little piles, to dry, right where it's cut. No one comes and steals it, 'mind. We don't do that round here.

That's the natural stuff then. But, they also take it and process it ~ god knows how ~ and make it into what we call " Briquettes ". Clean, smooth, manageable things that we're supposed to cut into slices and blocks and use a ton of Fire Lighters to set fire to. Then, I guess, we're supposed to heap what ever we have on top of that little lot. What ever .....

Ok. That one's a little dusty and shabby. Been hanging around on my kitchen floor for months now. I don't use a lot of this shit. Long since learned to start a fire in a bucket of water, without shit like this.
They have " BNM " embossed on top of them. Barely even partially visible in the shot there. That stands for 'Borda Na M.....' something or other. I think it's Irish for 'Fuel Board', or something?
Me? I like wood, when I have enough. Wood burns fierce ~ Ash is good. Hardwood could make the devil sweat! But it burns fast too. Turf isn't a bad fuel. Once it's got going, it burns on a par with decent wood.
Here's what I have going on tonight:

Fuck what it's doing out there, eh?!
Good man Ditch, glad to see you got the fire on. A good fire and a pot of tea will get us through this shitty weather.
ReplyDeleteI reckon if UK got this amount of rain it would be a flood disaster! For some reason Ireland can handle huge amounts of rain, part of that is due to bogs, which absorb the surplus water!
So the bog gives us fuel and helps cushion the effects of high rainfall.
Le Ding looks right at home there Ditch - like he has been there all his life
ReplyDeleteI bet that place is getting warm now with the new windows, doors and stove going??
Good on you!!
Not long got in from the wilds of The Leitrim Lake District (as it's become! Fuck me; A canoe passed us on the road into town!)
ReplyDeleteAbout to start the stove up in here. le Ding's stove, that is. He has a raggy old quilt in front of it and takes his place the moment she's going!
:D Dogs fuckin' crack me up!