It's here!

My first, very own, hand picked selection of Swedish Snus! I've even bought a small selection of the loose stuff to try out too.
Experts roll the loose, very moist powder into a little pellet which the Swedes call a " Pliss ". That means a 'Pinch', apparently. Well, so they might. But I know it took me years to master skinning up a perfect roll up and I wasn't prepared to go through all that again. So I bought the sweet little tool that cuts and forms ye a perfect portion in a second.
It looks like a little syringe, to be honest with ye. Only, where a needle would go, there's just the blunt end of the plunger. Ye pull the plunger back the calibrated distance ye require the dose to be of and just stick it into the snus. Push the plunger down and out pops a perfectly formed little pellet. Easy as that.
I have one in as I type. " Gottlandssnus ~ Anis ", Loose. Pellet's holding together perfectly well, despite me having it under my bottom lip (Top's traditional. But, I have no top teeth) and I'm drinking tea. Good as gold.
Taste, from this one, is a little disappointing, as yet. No where near as strongly Aniseed flavoured as I'd have liked. But then, I'm now directly comparing this to the " Thunder ~ Frosted Spearmint " Portion I just had. ('Portion' snus comes in tiny little tea bag like envelopes. Just pop one in and enjoy, straight from the tub.
The Thunder hit home like a spearmint felling axe! It must be said. Though I didn't find the nicotine hit off it as strong and satisfying as I had earlier done with my first love, " General " Portion. Now, That's the one Id encourage Any 'real' smoker to try first! I really feel that that's a Bench Mark snus.
Strong, tobacco flavour right off. Good, satisfying saltiness to it. It may scare the less Tobacco orientated, for the initial minute after it goes in. But then it settles down to become simply the best thing since a cigarette. Then, in a day or so? It becomes a smoke!
*** My mate, Adm says of the Thunder:
" Here's my take on Thunder Frosted Extra Strong Portion;
I personally never thought I'd be a fan of "flavoured" snus, but I
bought a can of this to try anyway. It's a mint flavoured snus, extra
strong on the nicotine and is actually Norwegian and not Swedish.
The blurb says it has 16mg nicotine per portion, which is a LOT - by
comparison, Claq Qui has 13mg and that's a strong snus already.The
portion material is really soft and comfortable, and the portions
themselves seem a lot moister than many "regular" portions. Especially
good if it's been in the fridge as it feels extremely nice going into
your mouth.
The mint taste is quite strong and definitely gives a superb fresh and
cooling hit at first. It's more like a cross between spearmint and
wintergreen as it has a cool freshness, plus a sweetness that doesn't
quite overpower the tobacco flavour, but certainly gives it a run for
the money. I thought the mint flavour would wear off quickly, but it
seems to be a stayer, just mellowing out after a while. This portion
that I'm working on now has been in for 90 minutes or so and is still
giving out goodly amount of flavour.
Lots of nicotine in this! I can really feel it coursing through my veins, so
it's probably not a "beginner" snus if you don;t already have a
nicotine habit. If you do though, and don't like the idea of the more
"pure" tobacco snusses, then this would be a good one to try as the
mint taste is really quite enjoyable.
Definitely something a bit different. Although I probably wouldn't use this as an
everyday snus, I'll certainly order it again. I might even be tempted
to try their "berry blast" snus as well.....
My only negative to this snus is that it's not a good one to use while
drinking beer or tea as the mint flavour clashes with
probably shouldn't eat with it in either for similar reasons. And just
because that's a pretty disgusting thing to do anyway. "
I've edited that in as Adm and I are both bang at the snus and I figured it'd be good to get more than just my own opinions and descriptions of what we try. Watch out for more of Adm's comparative reviews later on too ;-)
Oh yeah. Now this Gotlandssnus Anis is starting to work a bit more. I'm definitely breathing aniseed out my nose now! Lacks a certain purity of taste. But these things can take more than five minutes to grow on one. I've seen many people report that. One seldom chucks a tub after one try.
Unless that is, of course, like Dean O' and I, ye try something like the " Skruf " we both tried to trial earlier. That's one of the 'Citrus' flavoured ones. Me? I dislike citrus anything. One taste and I was like, " Blurrrgh! " and had to get it out. Dean persevered. In fact, he lasted days on it. But then, even he had to admit it was just too 'acidic' on the lip and he wont be bothering with that sort again.
Ok, finally ~ for now then ~ This pellet's giving off tiny particles and I'm spitting them off the tip of my tongue, much as one tends to do with stray bits of 'baccy from a roll up. I'm used to that, so it's not bothering me. Might you? Maybe I haven't got the knack yet?
As I do so though, the mouths natural sucking and swallowing reflex is certainly releasing more aniseed. But, again, it's not so pure and strong as I would've liked it.
What next? I don't think I can resist trying a " Nick and Johnny ~ Strong " Portion! And so many others here to try out over the coming days to! I'll let ye know what I think of them as we go along.
Meanwhile; In a rush for that Rush? Sort yeself out some " General " Portion, and throw those fuckin' fags in the bin! :D
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