Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So; This Old Guy Came Home .....

Story I heard from Hugh, my Butcher, today .....

So, this old guy came home one night. He's in his eighties. Lives in a cottage much like my own. Isolated as all fuck. No one else around. Only, he has a wife.

But, the wife's away somewhere on this night. so, before going out alone the guy's locked up the property.

Gets home, about 01:00 in the morning. Gets out of the motor. It's a moonless and so pitch black night, just like we've had here, last couple of nights back. Couldn't see his hand in front of his face. And it's about February, so it's fucking Freezing cold out there.

Drops his door keys!

Can't see the ground he's stumbling around on, never mind the fucking keys. Scrabbles about endlessly. Nuff'n!

Nearest neighbour is way away. He'd likely break his neck in a ditch if he tried to grope his way there. If they were in? They might well have took him as an intruder ..... Guy couldn't work out how to use the mobile phone he had. Even if it had any juice. He just took the rare call on it.

He was a bit 'Portly' as well as being in his eighties. While he may have managed to break a small window on his cottage; No way would he be able to pour himself through it and remain in good order on the other side.

Nothing else for it. He got back into his motor and sat there, all night. No keys, remember. So he couldn't start the engine / heater. Couldn't drive back to where he'd been, to ask for help. Just fucking sat there, and half froze to death, till morning.

He spent two weeks in hospital. Recovering from hypothermia.

He'd managed to kick his keys under the motor.

Must be a moral in there, somewhere.


  1. Ditch, It just shows you how dangerous the environment we live in is out here. Just imagine how our ancestors would be fairing now in this storm, with their damp stone cottages and thatched roof. Their crop probably ruined by the terrible summer we had.
    Just last week, I found a neighbour, a lady in her mid 70's, fallen into a ditch. It was pitch black. I was walking out the backroad to my parents house. She has no neighbour nearby and the cars would have been unable to see her. She was so cold and hurt that she couldnt hardly talk. She had been there about 2 hours I reckon and she was close to death. If I hadnt been there she would have died very soon. She just slipped while out for an evening stroll. With all the bad weather she saw a brief break in the rain and being so cooped up in the house she needed to get out. Bloody dangerous out here!

  2. 'Dangerous', right enough, Sam. But it's more natural, isn't it? We live amongst nature. Live By it. What more natural way to die then?

    I'd far sooner be found, face down and rotting down, out here, one of these days. Rather than be bundled off by 'Social Services', to die an empty husk, forgotten in some fucking Nursing Home.

  3. I agree Ditch.

    Well what I mean is it is a harsh environment, which if we arent careful still has the capacity to endanger our fragile lives.

    I would rather die than be stuck in a nursing home.
    If anyone ever tries to do that to you Ditch, you are welcome to stay with me.
    Ever here of the old native americans going out to the mountaintops to die and be eaten by the vultures? Doesnt sound a bad way to die.

  4. Ever here of the old native americans going out to the mountaintops to die and be eaten by the vultures? Doesnt sound a bad way to die.

    I've decided to eat myself to death,...mostly curries...I think I'll finish on a bum burning Phal,..and that,..will be that....

  5. LOL! Unless someone rushes to put ye bum out with a bottle of Shiraz. Ye'd be so torn, ye wouldn't have the will to die! :D
