I've edited this post to announce that my mate and fellow snus man has agreed to join us and offer his own opinions of the snus's we try. From here on in, " Adm " will be sending me his own reviews and I'll be adding those to my own, once we both produce a review of the same ones.
I'll Not be reading what Adm has to say before writing my own. That way, we'll both be speaking completely independently and unbiased by each others words. We hope, this way, ye'll get a far better picture :-)
And, to kick off, I've slotted in the reviews he's already sent me. Check out my first posting about snus too, to see what Adm made of " Thunder ~ Frosted ".
I'm really finding my feet now. What? Two weeks solid since I had a fag? I don't even think about them now. Nor do I get the split second 'Flash Back' ideas to smoke one. Now I simply feel that I fancy a fresh bit of snus ..... In fact, I fancy one now! :D
There. That was a real toss up between my firm old favourite, General ~ Portion or Claq Qui ~ Portion. I seem to prefer the strength of Taste I get with General. Though Claq Qui is a stronger yielder of nicotine.

No. I don't know if " Claq Qui " means anything, in any language, either. Nor do I know who Roda Lacket might be. But, this stuff's grown on me. I find it agreeable at most any time of the day. But, with my Jameson Irish Whiskey, like right now, I tend to favour the complimentary taste of General.
And that fine point, I suspect, about sums up my view of Claq Qui; It hasn't got a particular flavour to it. Not as I've been able to pin down yet. But, that's no bad thing. It doesn't strike me as 'Citrus' / acidic on the lip. And it's definitely in the higher bracket of nicotine. So, a good one for smokers to try, perhaps?
Adm Says:
" Claq Qui
Personally, I love this snus. I think it's got a really rich taste of dried berries - maybe cranberry??? that comes through after a while. Although the can design shouldn't impact on the actual snus I just think it's cool. It's pure white, with marks that look like spatters of blood. OK - maybe I'm a bit strange! I think Roda Lackett just means "Red Lacquer" in Swedish. Not sure if there's any significance here though.
There's a good strong hit of nicotine here, and it keeps on coming. The flavour is strong and stays strong. I've really got nothing bad to say about this snus....apart from maybe that it's distinctive and if you were to do it all the time you'd grow used to it's unique flavour. It's a very complex flavour and great after a meal, or with a good beer or whiskey. "
Another one I'll certainly be buying again is 02 Strong ~ Portion. This one surprised me. I was surprised at how much I liked it! In fact, I'm sorry to say; A quick check has just shown me that I've bloody nearly enjoyed the lot! :o I may well have been using that one more than any other then, without even realising it? Goes to show.
There's still a pattern emerging here though. I'm well aware that I've been tending to reserve my General for after dinner, with my whiskey. As one might a fine cigar. 02 Strong I've probably been popping in my mouth through the days. Casually and unconsciously choosing that one from my small stash of favoured regulars.
It's certainly a goody. A hint 'Drier' of taste than many I've sampled, thus far. Nice nicotine hit. Puts me in mind of somewhere between a tailor made fag and a slightly drier 'baccy. Comparable to " Gold Leaf " 'baccy, perhaps?
Adm Says
" 02 Lab Series
Another interesting snus here. The can is minimalist but modern looking. The smell is very mellow with unique hints of nuts wood, and herbs.
The flavour is very subtle at first and slowly seeps out the signature saltiness of snus. The herbal, nutty taste balances out the mellow tobacco flavor flawlessly.
The most unique features of 02 are the longer, slimmer portion length and the non-drip formula. The portions fit snug in the upper lip and don't make your lip bulge too much. If you had a "customer facing" job, you could get away with using this all day and nobody would know you had it in. The non-drip formula works just as stated on the can. There is no drip, yet the moist flavor of the snus assaults the palate through the entire duration of use. Jazz......smokin'
Dosage-wise, this is another strong snus that hits fast and stays strong. Good for those of us giving up the fags! "

General Onyx ~ Portion was a wake up call! The portion bags are almost Black! They also come, packed in their tub, in a neatly presented rosette. Really quite something to open and gaze in upon. I'll take a photo of my next lot, before I use any and break up the effect.
This one has an amazing flavour. Like 'Winter Mixture' sweets - for anyone who remembers those? I'm not sure what that flavour is. But it's nice. In fact, this is probably a good treat for when one has to go out in the bitter cold. It 'warms' ye breath. Certainly worth a try. If ye hate it yeself, ye sure to find someone who'll enjoy that distinctive flavour.
Adm Says:
General Onyx;
This is my other "favourite snus" right now......It's just great in terms of presentation and taste - a real "premium" product. The can is really slick looking - black and silver, the star shape arrangement of the portions looks cool and the actual shape of the portions (kind of a wedge shape) makes them easy to place.
In terms of flavour, this ones a real winner. It's got the typical "General" salty, lemony tang, but raised up a notch and purified. The nearest thing to it I can think of is almost to strong Turkish tobacco, plus roasted, salt and peppered lemon. To me, that's all good! Another strong snus... loads of nicotine and good persistence. I've used these portions for over two hours and they've still been giving up the goods when I've got rid of them to eat or whatever....

And, finally; Granit ~ Maxi Portion. Moist and powerfully Tobacco! I had the Maxi Portion (for some reason) and this had been my 'morning' hit of choice for some days. I liked the facts that it gave me that all powerful wake up call, along with my first cuppa. It then stayed with me ~ in more ways than one ~ as I'd go about my first chores. So, by the time the Dogs were walked. Birds fed. Horses fed and mucked out. My second brew in front of me; I was just about ready to settle down for a decent surf. Only by then might I be considering something else.
Sadly, it proved all too popular! That and, I suppose the bigger portions giving less to a tub? I've done the lot! Worst is, I don't think I even thought to put more on my order, which I sent in yesterday!

Never mind. I have plenty of others coming to me. Some, old favourites. Some I'm eager to try and offer ye my opinions of. And now we have Adm along to share his own views too, without us comparing notes first. So, now ye'll get truly open and unbiased reporting :D
Hey Ditch,
ReplyDeleteI'm loving your blog by the way. I'm not really a fan of the "blogosphere" as there are just too many dullards out there who think that the minutiae of their daily lives are interesting.....but the blog from the bog is a different boiling vessel full of water dwellers.
Aaaaaaaaaaanyway......good job on posting the Snus reviews. I'm sat here right now with a good pris of Kardus in my mouth, having just finished up a superb Sunday Roast and got the kids off to bed. A couple of months ago, I'd have been out in the cold and the rain smoking a series of rollies to get my Nicotine fix. Now I can stay in the dry, with my glass of wine and actually enjoy my nicotine habit.
So first, a bit on an intro to my snus habit....I've smoked for nigh on 30 years. Ever since I was twelve or thirteen. Used to steal my mums cigs and nip off up the woods to smoke them. The first one was foul, but nonetheless I persevered and managed to acquire a proper nicotine addiction by the age of 14 or so. I've been selling my soul to Philip Morris ever since. (Not quite true, as I switched over to Golden Virginia roll up baccy about 5 years ago - a restatement of an old love!) In the end, after a recent heart health scare, i ended up at the hospital for a bunch of test, and although the old ticker was revealed to be in fine fettle, the docs told me I really, really needed to give up the fags. Fair enough too. Normally, I'd just have ignored them, but my kids had also been on at me to quit smoking quite a lot (probably the pressure of school "information" propaganda films) and so I figured I owed it not just to myself, but also a bit to them to have a good go at quitting the smokes. I knew it wasn't doing me any good, but I enjoyed smoking nonetheless. In fact, I enjoyed it a lot.
" I was all prepared to go through hell, but hell never turned up. "
ReplyDeleteExactly, mate! :D Couldn't have put it better!
Of course, the big thing with snus, and why no one'll hear about it from their GP's or government posters is simply that te fucking govt's have no way of taxing the fuck out of it (Yet!) and their mates in the major pharmaceutical companies can't slap 1000's % on it for their own mark ups!
LOL! Fuck me; If all the UK's smokers hit the snus tomorrow? The country would be on it's knees in no time. The exchequer would lose So Much tax revenue!
Anyway; Good to see ye made it in here, Adm.