Doesn't really need any words from me, does it?
Dunno what you're laughing at though. Get to my age and that sort of thing becomes a fact of life! This is why I always wear cammo trousers.
The Blog From The Bog; Disjointed rants and ravings of a fluently foul mouthed, ex pat living in Co. Leitrim, here giving full rein to his own quirkiness. The character of " Ditch Shitter " having been forged, over years, on 'The Hunting Life' forum proved so strangely popular with enough people there, before I left, that their now constant drip of " Long time, no see; What ye up to? " notes has led me to answer them all, here.
I bet his Mum made sure he had clean pants and when she asked him if he'd been to the loo before he started the race he said ,"Yes, now stop fussing !".