Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Quick word about comments ...

Comments here are 'moderated'. In as much that I have to physically see them and wave them through once you hit Send. So, if ye write a Comment. Post it. Don't see it? No worries. It's just sitting there, waiting for me to come online and find it in my email. I click and your words appear here. Please don't post it several times. Get frustrated and storm off, never to be seen again. It's just a measure I was forced to put into place by doxxers, spammers and other, mentally unstable's.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Personal Health Scares .....

Fucking Scary, aren't they? Only thing scarier than one with our favourite Dog. (Oh, alright. I guess I have to suggest here; 'Or wife or children'.) I, happily, have none of that shit. My Dogs are my 'Significant Others'. It was those I was most focused on, last weekend.

My body was sending me warnings. It doesn't do that. I'm fine; if not fit for the Olympics. I get along, day to day. Week to week. Month to season, to year. I just keep going. Cross between a racing snake and a tank, me. No worries. Till last week.

I'd had a tingling, numb, useless feeling around my left shoulder, upper arm for a couple of weeks. Then, a week since, I got a slight and pretty constant 'Stitch', just to the right of my navel. Suddenly, " The Liver Is Evil and Must Be Punished ", a Signature I'd noticed, on Jim's, stopped making me smile! My cousin got Liver Cancer at my age. Granted; He'd been a life long Junkie. But .....

Day I had my morning mug o' tea and started dry retching like a pump? (Last Monday) I was in the GP's! She pointed out that the navel area represents the Intestines. 2+2 equalled a year eating two pork chops, cabbage and oven chips + one week reverting back to Chilli! I'd simply scorched my guts! FFS. Acid Reflux.

Got some tablets and am feeling better by the day. By the time of writing this, it's just a blip on the radar, and is moving to the left. Natural course of the gut. Too much chilli powder Is evil, and Will punish Us!

Trapped Nerve in my shoulder's still a bit clicky. But. so what?! I sat in the wind this evening, waiting for a gray crow. Knew damn well the damn wind would be hurting that left shoulder. But, I wanted to hurt a crow more. Probably carry that pain for a long time. Comes with age.

Anyway, I've put this together for a few people. Just to let them know all is well. The tank rolls on ;-)


  1. Hi Ditch,
    glad to hear you are alright and getting out there after them grey crows. There seems to be a few of them around here as well, with plenty of maggies. They are just very skittish!
    I have found that in the early morning around 4.30am when they are just waking up, they dont expect anyone to be around and you can get very close for a shot. Worth going out, if you are up at that time.
    Talk soon mate

  2. Sam
    He won't have even gone to bed by that time - he can go for a wander before bedtime!!

    Please let us know how the shower saga unfolded - I am just dying to know how that turned out

