If it works, it'll be more than I can now, again, say for this fucking worthless, " Blogger " system.
Ever notice, as ye scoot around the net? Ye constantly encouraged to 'Tweet', 'Digg', 'Reddit', what ever 'This'?
" Blogger "? Slave unto the fucking system. And the system has long since pushed its hands back through its hair. Exhaled a great sigh. Stood up and slouched off home. Facing the reality of redundancy.
If I can ever be arsed to find a better 'Platform' than this dying dinosaur, I'll maybe try to switch over to it. Meanwhile; This one's just giving me too much shit to be arsed with.
Suggestions welcomed ~ though I hardly expect a flood, from this place.
Now, here's something to fuck ye heads about, just for bothering to come back here.
What it's supposed to say is " Tilt The Screen Back To Read The Message ". Can't even get That right, from where I'm sitting. Fucking shit hole. Shall we give up with this shit sucking " Blogger " programme altogether? I'm losing all faith in it.
Tilt ye fucking screen back and have a look anyway .....

I hope this doesn't mean you're going to ditch the blog. Sorry, couldn't resist the horrible pun, which is an example of why I don't keep a blog and admire those that can write well, have interesting things to say and stories to tell. Yours is the only blog I follow. Most people write about places they travel to, which I've never been and probably will never go even if I wanted to for lack of cash, etc. Or beer tasting, which you'd think I'd care about, but I taste beer every day and have never had the desire to explain to the world, or read about, how it beads, or laces, or whatever else.
ReplyDeleteMost blogs are not written by writers, they depend on extrinsic material and simply react to it.
You my friend, are a writer.
Trefoyl (Craig)