Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Quick word about comments ...

Comments here are 'moderated'. In as much that I have to physically see them and wave them through once you hit Send. So, if ye write a Comment. Post it. Don't see it? No worries. It's just sitting there, waiting for me to come online and find it in my email. I click and your words appear here. Please don't post it several times. Get frustrated and storm off, never to be seen again. It's just a measure I was forced to put into place by doxxers, spammers and other, mentally unstable's.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Trefoyl's Comment Answered .....

Tefoyl, I decided my reply, to ye below Comment was getting so involved I might as well send it as a Post here.

I was explaining that every Comment here has to pass my eyes and be waved through. This is purely and simply because some times a person will forget themselves and use my real name. I was explaining that to account for having originally assured ye it was me talking.

Life, on line, is a cabaret. I like my avatar and handle. The shit I come out with just wouldn't work if I signed it " Collin Rhodes " or something, would it?

'I'm a writer' ? Heh. Forgive me but, as plenty who have followed my 'career' for a while would know by now; If half the people who told me that would buy it? I'd probably have written a book by now ;-)

Anyway, me delete this Blog? Not fucking likely. If nothing else, it gives me a place to type the word " Shit " and not get my message fucked with :p

But, as ye see, it's giving me shit again, look. Can't sign into my own fucking Blog to respond to a Comment with a Comment of my own! Shit like this pisses me off big time.

For anyone wondering why I'm not beating my way in here to say shit much anymore? Reason's simple: Summer. Eire just had Summer. Two weeks in the year when we get to pick one or two of the ever growing lists of jobs we need to get done. And go for it.

I, as it happens, managed to concrete 95% of the horse pen. I also repaired the ditch ~ The Ditch ~ and reframed / hung the door. Now it's raining again. And, guess what? My fucking back's gone Again!

Mixing concrete? Humping doors over land? No problem. Leaning forward to hitch a Dog onto his chain, as I do, several times a day. Every day of the year? You got it! So did I. Like a fucking lightening bolt. Straight in the lower spine.

Jezuss fucking christ! I dropped onto my knees like a sack of shit. I screamed so loud " Nigger " backed off and dropped to his belly, begging Insane Dad not to follow through and kill him for what he'd done so wrong. Poor Dog. I mean, one minute I'm all gently, " Here, Niggy, Niggy " and smiling. Next second I'm contorting and screaming, apparently throwing myself at him!

As it happens, I wasn't. Nor was I Meaning to throw my right knee cap at that fucking rock! But, I managed it. Fucking bulls eye! Me, rolling and screaming. Nig' shitting himself. Rest of them shouting and bouncing. Only thing missing was some stupid, Chav cunt with a fucking phone camera. I'd have been all over You Tube in minutes.

Saw a horror film, when I was a kid. Culminated in someone opening a box to find a detached, female head inside it. And this girls head was staring out, crying in this raspy voice; " Kill me! Kill me! ".

I could never work that out, as a chavvie. What could be so bad about just being a head? Ye could watch TV. Talk to people. Read shit.

My Dad was 'killed' in a motor wreck. Broke his neck and, had we had the science then that we have today? They'd probably have managed to keep him alive, from the neck up. I wonder what his last words, or thoughts might have been?

1 comment:

  1. When I was a teenager, so many years ago, we were sitting around a campfire scaring ourselves because one person read that the head remained conscious a few seconds after decapitation. I forgot about that until I read your blog. I did a search and found a quote from a doctor, I also found a distressing story about a soldier decapitated in a jeep accident in the Korean war, but a technical quote is gory enough:
    "I consulted Dr. Ron Wright, most recently Chief Medical Examiner of Broward County Florida. His response to me was:

    After your head is cut off by a guillotine you have 13 seconds of consciousness (+/- 1 or 2). The first time I ever learned this was when I put a patient into ventricular fibrillation.
    The "no blood pressure" alarms came on and the patient said
    "what is that?"
    I said I suppose you will find out soon enough, and he did.
    The 13 seconds is the amount of high energy phosphates that the cytochromes in the brain have to keep going without new oxygen and glucose. This is reasonably well known to the forensic community, but not often found in the literature. I believe I touched upon it in one of my articles on asphyxia. At any rate, not only can you blink, but you can do two for yes and one for no; and it is said to have been done."
