Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Quick word about comments ...

Comments here are 'moderated'. In as much that I have to physically see them and wave them through once you hit Send. So, if ye write a Comment. Post it. Don't see it? No worries. It's just sitting there, waiting for me to come online and find it in my email. I click and your words appear here. Please don't post it several times. Get frustrated and storm off, never to be seen again. It's just a measure I was forced to put into place by doxxers, spammers and other, mentally unstable's.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dear " Anonymous " .....

 It's generally not considered politic to post peoples real life names on places such as this. This is the sole reason I have had to set it so Comments pass by me first.

 Unfortunately, I can't Edit a comment. Just post or delete it. Yours I had to delete. I delete Any comments along the lines of; " Hey! Lord Lucan! It's been too long, man. How's it going? "

 My e mail is what it's always been. Feel free to use that.


  1. Lost your email mate.You must remember me from Bristol

  2. :D I bloody KNEW it had to be you, mate! Well, I'll be .....

    I have a dead letter drop. Shoot me a line to it and I'll get back to ye this evening:


    Use that one. I'll get back to ye ;-)

  3. Dale; Sent ye mail last night, mate. Check ye spam box for my initials ~ though the name's not dead right ;-) Coming from Sat ..... and a Yahoo addy.

    It's headed " Ditch Shitter ", so ye'll hardly miss it.
