Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Quick word about comments ...

Comments here are 'moderated'. In as much that I have to physically see them and wave them through once you hit Send. So, if ye write a Comment. Post it. Don't see it? No worries. It's just sitting there, waiting for me to come online and find it in my email. I click and your words appear here. Please don't post it several times. Get frustrated and storm off, never to be seen again. It's just a measure I was forced to put into place by doxxers, spammers and other, mentally unstable's.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hands of the Strangler .....

  I'm in Hugh's, the Butchers today. We're just finishing a good chat and I'm about to leave when some guy comes in and proclaims; 

  " Aaah! The man who'll catch all the rats!  ..... Now, tell me, friend; How do ye catch and kill all these rats? "

 Guy was perfectly serious, of course. People just carry on that way here. So, I answered him perfectly seriously, of course:

 " I strangle them! "

He's, like; " Be' Jesus!!! Ye strangle  them ....?! "

 " Yeah, " I says. " And will ye just look at the state they leave my fucking hands in! All their biting me, as I strangle them! "

 Held up my hand, for him to see.

  Guy was fuckin' mortified, of course. There I stood. Living proof of my own legend. Scars to prove it.

 This shit's in my blood, see? All of it. My Dad taught me my first steps in rat catching. That's true. I knew the principles, plus, before I even had my first day at school. But, that's all taught and learned shit. This, as I say, is in my blood.

  Gypsys 'Tell Fortunes'. Yeah? Well, in Romanes, the one time language of the Gypsys, it's called " Dookerin' ". Look up an " Anglo Romani Dictionary " sort of effort and ye'll find it there. 'Dookering. Dookripen. Dooka. Ducka.' Fucka. 

    It's all bollocks, really. Ask any Gypsy who knows enough of the old language to have a clue and they could tell ye. " Dookering " means Bullshitting! Blarney. Gift of the gab. That's all it is. All it ever was. It's natural to the blood. Repartee. 

 The state of my hands? 'Rat Strangling', my arse! That was in my blood too. Just had a spot of that  'Prickly Heat' shit, a week back. Scratched so much I almost ripped myself to fucking pieces!

 But there's an insight into the ancient Gypsy art of 'Bull Shitzu'. The ability to spin on a pin head. Using what ever's to hand to ones advantage. 

 I have only felt free to pass on this arcane  knowledge after long contemplation of the demise of Brian Plummer. Otherwise, he'd probably have heard of all this and bred a 'Pit Bull' cross Shitzu. Called it the " Traditional Romani Fighting Dog " and written books about it. 

  That would have, no doubt, further boiled Lloydys piss ~ already hot enough, with all that Shiraz and curry. Likely wouldn't have done my own blood a lot of good either. 

 But, there it is. Plummer's dead. Phil and I can't be too far behind him now. How ye'll gnash and wail when we're All gone, eh? Who then to entertain ye?

 Now I must go. Keep getting these texts from some bird who wants to interview me on TV .....

 Ye think I'm joking, don't ye ....? 



  1. TRIED posting my own name,.but,..the thing will not accept me,..nothing new there...

  2. Sorry about that. This system Is a fractious bastard, to be putting it mildly.

    Have ye got a Google account?

  3. No,.but I have got an E-mail addy...

  4. Er,..any chance of running that by me again ?
    The wee white box of ecstasy says,..Post Comment.
    Select Profile,...and I have done what White Box Man has said,..but,..the Computer says NO..lol..

    Shall I try again ?

    This is all a bit much for a veteran Moucher...

    I need more pies,.or I shall die..

  5. :D Fuck me! Hullo, mate!!!

    Shit. This is even worse then. Ye always used to be able to post, didn't ye?

    " *Computer* says no "? I wonder ..... This Might be a Cookie issue. I once managed to disallow Cookies from this place and it locked me out! I couldn't Comment as myself .....

    Bingo! I reckon that's it! Ah, jesus. Now what though? I know you're not too flash with this stuff.. Only, nor an I so clever as to be able to spit out what ye might need to do :-(

    What are ye using there? " Internet Explorer " or " Firefox " ? Tell me that and I'll try to figure out what ye might need to do in either.

  6. I am using Internet Explorer..or, is it using me?
    I can still post,.but only as Mr X....
    I feel that the problem lies in the Profile Choice selection box,..but I might well be wrong.
    Why not simply leave me as an Anonymous person,.and see if we can drop in subtle coded messages to fool these bastards,.lol..

    Right,.over and out,..regards,..Shiraz Phil..
    PS,..You ain't seen me,.ok...

  7. OK. Let's try this: Top, left of centre of ye page, in the Bar? " TOOLS ". Click that.

    Box of stuff drops down. Bottom of the list, " INTERNET OPTIONS ". Hit it.

    Bigger box pops up. Top, third from the left, " PRIVACY ".

    Lower left, " SITES ".

    Middle of that 'page' is an emty bar to type in. Copy & Paste this into it:


    Then hit " ALLOW ". Down on the right there.

    Drop to the bottom right. Hit " OK ". Close the box that then presents itself. Come back here and try to post a Comment with ye own ID.

    If that doesn't work out? Just stay calm. Let me know. I'll figure something else out to try.

    If we can crack this, it could help a lot of people! And I do Know how frustrating it can be. I've been there too :-(

  8. OK,..I have complete my allocated task,...this intense workload has made me feel rather dizzy,..and the bottle of Shiraz has not helped one iota.Let's see if the Gods have been kind,.or am I still Anon...?

  9. Congratulations ..... er, " Philp ". Ye've cracked it! May this be an inspiration to others in their struggle against this system.

    Not sure about the 'p' though, mate. Perhaps ye might want to look into that, post Shiraz ....?

  10. Philp by name, philp,.hic by nature...lol..

    Love the Blog,.realy inspiring,.well done...
    Keep yer eyes peeled round about November time for a wee parcel,...its a No 2 Mouchers Tale.

    All the best,..Mustapha Fag...
