I've spent the day playing email tennis with someone at a major paint place. McDonnell's, to be precise and give them due credit.
I wanted a small tin of smooth, white Hammerite and also thought to ask about some wood stain I've used and now wanted a lot more of.
But, which has practically gone off the market and the producers ignored my enquiry.
Anyway; Yesterday, I went into town and ordered a shit ton of planks.
I want to make more starling nest boxes and worked out it'd be easier to have them delivered. So, I bought a load, to make it worth paying a tenner for delivery.
As I'm waiting for the truck, Pat turns up. Our postie drops my Amazon shit off with Pat. Saves him worrying if it'll all go in my post box. Which it, often as not, won't anyway.
And Pat brings me not only my sand belts, which I was expecting. But my Belt Sander! And the couple of pairs of new strides I'd ordered!
I'm well happy then. But, none of it's any use to me yet. Can't sand the wood till I have the stain to cover it, before bare clean wood gets grubbied.
Oh! I forgot to mention; Pat'd also brought my Brush Cutter back, the other day, from the bloke in town. Completely overhauled and working a treat.
Seventy quid I was more than happy to shell out! Having left fuel in it and generally left it to fucking rot ~ as is my way, due to my head.
Sadly; I just managed to cut a clear path to my grave yard gate when the harness fell apart. FFS. Same problem as the brusher!
Never mind. Ordered a new one. That'll be here next week. Then, once I get a new bridge installed, I can get up to the grave yard and reclaim That from the brambles.
And, saying that? Pat comes back with my new bridge! Some sort of steel length. Absolutely perfect for the purpose! That's in place now.
Then, before Pat even gets away again? Fucking truck turns up with my planks!!! I'm doing fucking dances, by now!
Driver, bless him, backed right down to the stables. Physically lifted Seven fucking 9" planks, in one go!?! And put them down by the door!
Absolute fucking Awe of this guy! I told him straight; My arms would fucking Snap, if I even Tried to lift That weight! FFS!
Then, Pat rushed down and gave me a hand to shift them into the stables. Job fucking done!
Tomorrow, I can take my mitre saw and stand down there and start slicing them up.
Build the boxes down there. Stack them there. Boosh! No need to worry about the weather. The Dogs. Or carting wood, or boxes down there!
I Then think to ask Pat if he can ask 'The Boy Bohen' to get me a price to replace this fifty foot of guttering that's blighting my life right now.
That's in hand, at last, then! Great! That'll be more money well spent, and another massive load off my mind.
Pat fucks off then, and I come in here. Oh, look; Another email from
McDonnell's paint people.
McDonnell's paint people.
I'd last told them:
" alternative options in medium oak shades "? Okay. I'm ready to
listen. I did a Belfast sink cover with Johnstones. Three coats and I
was in love!
Now, I want to do a Lot of wood similarly. Maybe, if ye shoot me a name
or two, I can look on line for examples of how they end up?
My number's xxxxxxxxxx. Afternoons are best as I never know when I'm
going to surface and don't like talking before my head clears.
So; I'm down for a tin of paint. (Freezer lid will look great again!)
And now we need to sort out this stain. Then I can get stuck in!

Thanks! "
And, their unnamed person has come back to me with:
" We stock products by
ronseal and sadolin that may suit you. I have requested someone give you
a ring from the Athlone store to advise you on exactly which one to go
for. They should be calling you
tomorrow so your joy should be well underway ! 😊
Best of luck with it all and thanks for the laugh!
Enjoy your evening!
Kind regards. "
Fucking talk about the icing on the cake!!! To have ~ quite unconsciously ~ brightened someone else's day, whilst having a belter myself?
I'm So fucking happy now, I'm sat here, spontaneously bursting into laughter!!!
Who, and where ever, you are? May You too have an absolute cracker of a day soon! :D
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