Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Quick word about comments ...

Comments here are 'moderated'. In as much that I have to physically see them and wave them through once you hit Send. So, if ye write a Comment. Post it. Don't see it? No worries. It's just sitting there, waiting for me to come online and find it in my email. I click and your words appear here. Please don't post it several times. Get frustrated and storm off, never to be seen again. It's just a measure I was forced to put into place by doxxers, spammers and other, mentally unstable's.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Anyone Ever Had Anyone .....

Fart into their own, willingly wide open mouth? You know; Actually sit on ye mouth. Make the seal and let rip.

I've just this minute posted that same question in the Tap Room, over at " Jims ". Could cause a lively spot of uproar. Just as likely get blatted by the first Mod' to read it.

Funny place, Jims. Since Jim instigated the automatic censor. Now we can say " Bastard ", " Arse " and " F*cking " (with the asterix). But, we can't say " Shit ". Try to type that and the system changes is to " BS ".

Anyway, not my place to question Jims judgement. It's his forum. Do as he likes. I do find what he's blatted strange though. What ever .....

So; How about it? You open ye mouth ~ head, one imagines, comfortably supported by a pillow or similar. Then someone lowers their bum, arse hole directly over ye open mouth. The pressure of their controlled weight and your willing lips form a perfect seal and ..... Fraaaarp!!! They let ye have it.

Don't know what made me think of this. Jameson Whiskey? Fact that I've hurt my back ~ back pains tend to focus around ones bum sort of region. Could be a subconscious thing. Maybe just that, for what ever reason, I'm being particularly flatulent myself tonight?

I really don't know. But, I once read ..... who's that 'Agony Aunt' type woman who always says " Luvvie " ? Claire Raynor? Something like that. Decades back I read her saying that; What ever 'sexual act', no matter how deviant or off the wall, we may think of? Sure as hell some bugger's thought of it before!

Well, it's taken me a life time to think of this one. Not that I fancy it, either way. Just wondered what the effect on the throat and lungs would be for the 'receiver'. Would one notice the injection of air down the airway? Would it cause a slight swelling of the lungs? Would one involuntarily belch it back out, through mouth or nose?

Wonder if a particularly 'good' and 'strong' fart would somehow effect the " Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat " set up? Ye'd hear it, one supposes. Presumably feel it rattle and rush down the throat. Would ye smell it, on the way back out again? (Interesting point). Either way; Probably enough to make a grown mans eyes water. Don't ye reckon?

Something to discuss with ye mates at work, eh? Even ye partner.

Do, please, feel free to experiment. Post us ye results here. We're all ears.


  1. Yo Bro, you are funny as f*~*k! Love ya x

  2. FFS Ditch, I just laughed out that loud the wife got out of the bath to see what was so funny!

    You may have stumbled upon the exact opposite of CPR with this one mate.....! :D


  3. shuold keep yer fantasies to yer sen lol

  4. Pritch; Ye'll be ever so grateful I took down a certain photo, later on! :o
