Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

Ditch Shitter Just Wrote .....

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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Piss Head On The Piss ....!

" Spay and Neuter! " They cry. " If your Dog could talk? He'd definitely say " Oooh, Dad! Pul Eeease get these balls off! " In fact, it's now considered down right fucking freaky Not to get a Dog (Or bitch) sexually mutilated, the moment ye get it.

  What they Don't tell ye is that fucking around with a bitches tubing brings an extremely good chance of it rendering her incontinent for the rest of her fucking life! Pesticle wasn't one of the lucky ones, I'm afraid.

  The number of times I've been sitting here. Pesticle sat on my lap, gazing out the window. Then, completely without warning, I'd feel a sense of warmth on my thigh.  Pesticle had been " Dripping ", again!

  She's a bit prone to Urinary Tract Infections too. Last one was a doozy, so I took her down to the vet's, who gave her Anti Biotics. They, in turn, fucked up her pancreas. Now, she's a complete bag of bones and is still spontaneously voiding her bladder!

  Pancreatic Supplements have proven a complete waste of money. So, on veterinary advice, I've just bought a ninety euro sack of Hills' finest. This is Pesticle we're talking about. What Pesticle needs? Pesticle fucking well gets!

  Hullo. I think she may have just peed, again. She's snoozing, on my futon. It's okay. I've covered the futon in thick plastic sheeting and have a cloth to wipe that with, as the need arises.

  Pancreas trouble causes the most violent and perfectly liquid shits, see? Poor sausage is dehydrating herself. Thus drinks stupid amounts of water. And her body just can't hold it in. They fucked her little valve up and now it just runs out of her. She's not even aware when it happens.  

  'Last night' / this morning, she pissed the bed. My bed. She sleeps in my arms, on the bare plastic. Quilt mopped That up. No matter. Lovely day. I hung it out and it's dry now. Probably rinse and repeat. 

  What ever. She's my Snuggle Pup and I adore her. She's happy in herself. Relishes her grub and wags her tail ecstatically when ye'd expect a display of unbridled happiness from a happy little Dog. No way I'd banish her from curling up in my arms at night.

  A rough day, for me, yesterday. And leaping out of bed after about an hours kip, this morning, took its toll on me. Fucking glorious day though. So, I went and stretched out on the ground for a bit. But, the sun was too bright in my eyes.

  Gave it best and came back in here. Flopped down on the futon. Four, mad Dogs jockeying for  best positions, around Dad. Balzac's proving a right bugger for trying to get a cuddle! Pesticle, last I was dimly aware, sort of curled up by my head. And I was out.

 Suddenly woke up to the strangest sensation. Right side of my face. Lifted my head and shrieked in absolute horror! The hot piss was in my ear. In my eye. Pouring out of my beard! Pesticle had peed, again. And my head was laying in it.

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